Thursday, January 19, 2006

Son of a Mathematician

That's what I am, so I had to calculate the odds of what happened in a 40K game among Ryan, Kurt, and myself. The object of this 3-way game was to have the last commander left standing. On 4 separate occasions, Ryan's commander found himself in the cross-hairs of a twin-linked lascannon. (For the non-gamers: this is a gun that rarely misses and usually obliterates anything it hits.) The chance that he's survive such an onslaught? Less than 16%. He did... and that doesn't include the small-arms fire directed at him.

It's kinda frustrating when you form a good plan, execute it correctly, react when parts of it inevitably fail, and make scant mistakes... yet still lose. It's one thing to look back at a battle and say, "ah, I could have done this differently." It's another when the only thing you could have done differently was to load the dice.


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