Monday, November 21, 2005

I. Hate. This. Computer.

Maybe hate is a strong word. This computer is awesome, with the exception that there's an occasional miscommunication somewhere among the motherboard, graphics/sound cards, and the hard drive. This means that as I'm finishing up a very poetic entry, it freezes in a sound loop.

The short of it was simple. In the middle of all this burnout, I experienced a single moment of understanding and bliss. In Noh, this would be known as yugen. It was brought on by the success of "The Latter-Day Adventures of Romulus and Remus" at the Theta Shortsfest. Megan and my fiance did an amazing job of bringing my script to life. Amazing.

I've been writing scripts for years. This is the first time I've actually felt like I have a real contender. Sure, I love most of what I've written, but "Romulus and Remus" felt like something professional. It clicked on all cylinders. I'd finally taken my stylings and tendencies and learned how to craft them to my advantage.

In other words, I really like this play. And I was so happy to see two talented women take it and add another dimension to it.


At 10:57 PM, Blogger ruehllin said...

For anime creations!


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