Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Filing for Divorce from Reality

There I was, watching Scarborough County. Now, I don't often tune in to watch this news show on MSNBC, but I catch it every once in a while. The host, Joe Scarborough, is a former Republican Congressman. Though he might be of a conservative bent, he tends to support his assertions -- a quality most such hosts tend to half-ass. Now, I don't swing conservative, and I disagree with Joe on many points... but I respect him as an intelligent and fair host.

Anyway, there I was watching Scarborough County, and Joe was talking about the latest O'Reilly gimmick in his war on 'liberal' NBC. I kinda started twitching at the name "Bill O'Reilly" (there it is again). During the course of this segment, one of the guests, and obnoxious interrupter-type... repeatedly implied that Scarborough County was leaning liberal.

Joe's shock mirrored my own. Scarborough County, liberal? Seriously. Scarborough County. Liberal.

I'm calling it. The "Expose the 'Liberal' Media" campaign has officially jumped the shark.


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