Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Triple digits, yo

So this is August, huh?

You know, I grew up in ol' Wisconsin; an hour north of Milwaukee, to be inexact. My climatic experiences involved mild summers and frigid winters. So I'm used to that. I like it, even. Know what I don't like?

Triple digit temps with 80% humidity. One day was bad, two is bloody insane. What a week to move to Chicago, in an apartment with no AC.

Thankfully, John and Brad have generously offered their abode to Steph and myself. They are officially awesome.

What else is missing from my apartment? A computer. A month later, and I'm still without one. Grumblecakes, I'm waiting to hear my options... either way, it'll be a few hundred dollars. Which, you know, as an unemployed theatre grad, I just happen to have lying around.


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