Friday, March 11, 2005

Why is it called 'Spring Break'?

1) It is not spring. I don't say that only because I'm in sub-freezing Ohio. The vernal equinox occurs March 20/21, marking the technical beginning of Spring.
(Granted, other schools have their breaks closer to the equinox, and we have to call the break something... Maybe I'm just bitter because I have freezing rain to look forward to this week.)

2) I know this is subjective, but it sure hasn't been a break. I spent two days in Pittsburgh with Steph, Tony, Geoff, and Corsendonk beer, but other than that it's all been about work and chores and homework. I've got a Lost & Damned army to build, and I still haven't finished a single unit. Grumblecakes, I tell you.


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