Sunday, February 27, 2005

Geekdom Riff, Op. 1

I'm in a scene design class here at ol' BGSU. Our latest little project is a type of "peephole" set, using a shoebox. It's to get us used to making models for the design process. The phrase we're supposed to illustrate? "Oh, brave new world!"

Enter me. I bulid a marsh/bog area, put on a big rock, and use an Imperial Guardsman from Warhammer 40,000 in a dramatic pose. Oh, and then I add a few Necrons to give it a "I just stumbled onto a metallic-zombie planet" feel. Of course, this means that I had to buy another box of Necron warriors, and I had to buy a Cadian heavy weapon team to get just the right arm.

That's how I justify it. It's all for academia, I swear. Just like when I had to buy those issued of JSA for my conference paper. Although, there was actual justification for those. Wouldn't be much of a paper otherwise.

If anyone is amazed at the justified geekdom that is my scholarly career, wait to you hear my proposed thesis. Brilliant.

(This post brought to you by Highbrow/Lowbrow: The Emergence of Cultural Hierarchy in America and Postscript to the Name of the Rose.)


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