Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Geekdom Riff, Op. 2

Days ago, I was watching an episode of Penn & Teller: Bullshit! ("Recycling," to be exact). When they reference sports teams with Native American mascots, I thought of Matt Fossa, who I've not heard of in ages. I thought he'd get a kick out of P&T's comment.

Shortly thereafter, my co-worker was engaging in small talk about the Cleveland Indians. Again, where was Fossa for the timely rant on Cleveland baseball?

Cut to last week. I get an invite from E. Sean Medina, looking to set up a fantasy baseball league. Lo and behold, guess who else is in the league... Matt ever-lovin' Fossa.

At this moment, I notice both my fantasy leagues. Between the two of them, I'm connected with my early undergrad years, my 'Black Hole' undergrad years, my Pittsburgh year, and my current Masters/Finders era. How's that for illuminating of the condition of (post)Modernity?

(This post brought to you by Stephen Duncombe's Zines: Notes from Underground.)


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