Thursday, December 11, 2003

National Burnout Day

There's a novel idea. We'll celebrate the level of creative burnout that society loves to exact upon its populace.

Anyway... a few days break, and I'll be back to my rantin' self. Hell, I've even started working on The Fool again. The last time I did that was a month after I graduated. Good start, at least.

(For the unawares, The Fool was my grand scheme for a full-length play. It's in various stages of drafting, kinda like my version of "the novel I'm working on." Twisted and dark, like I like 'em.)

This is a surprising fact, considering I've worked constant turnaround shifts, had a regional visit, corporate pressure to sell more bullchit (see previous post), and an article/column that's finally posted on It's not even a day old, and already I've been flamed for lacking research and lacking a clue.

Folks, here is where our friend irony stops by. You can call me verbose. I may not always agree, but I am oft guilty of being just that. However, to say that I need to do more research is like saying Bill Gates needs more money. You laugh, and then become puzzled as you realize whoever said it was being serious.

Update: Well, after a typically-tinged response from J., the flaming has subsided. Hopefully. Probably. Maybe.


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