No, Really, It's Okay
If you live, or ever visit Chicago, there's one thing about the 'L' (or 'El') trains you should know.
By all that is holy, if you don't have to take the train during the rush hours, don't.
See, the CTA tends to deal with problems after they become blatantly obvious. Take, for example, the Brown Line Expansion Project. Once this project finishes, the mornings shouldn't consist of skipping trains that are packed tighter than the sardines in your pantry.
Except, this project won't finish for a few years. During which, crowding will only get worse.
So, if you do visit, remember this: when the train operator says, "There's another Brown Line directly behind this one," take it with a grain of salt as you wait for the next crowded train. It's like that common break-up phrase, "It's not you, it's me." It may or may not be true, but it is an empty statement spoken by the person about to leave you stranded.
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