Wednesday, February 15, 2006

What monosyllabic vocalization of frustration haven't I used?

Grrr... This first draft of the thesis was supposed to be done a month ago. I type this as I'm putting the finishing touches on the second (of three) chapters. 52 pages down, about 30 to go. I've learned at least one thing: I'm a slowing fucking typist. I wrote this thing out by hand over a month ago. It's taken me this long to type the first 52 pages of it.

What's even worse is that a day has rarely gone by where I haven't done at least a couple pages. And somehow, I'm barely behind in only one class. I don't know how; I'm just thankful.

And I was having such a good morning, too. Had a good V-day with my lady, yesterday. Slept in today. And then... my assistantship. I thought things would be okay. I thought my thesis-writing would give me a little leeway to be a little less active this semester.

Nope. I'm in or directing every scene we have, save one. And I'm still doing my administrative / script / dramaturg duties. And, today, in a post-show discussion of our overview show, I was vocally critical of all the directions to go with it. I hate didacticism. I hate bowdlerizing a script and simplifying the issues for mass consumption. I hate direct, beat-you-over the head activist drama.

But that's where we're heading, and I guess it's time for me to shut up and just do what I need to earn that paycheck.

Back to the thesis...


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