Sunday, July 11, 2004

Sometimes, I just really hate my immune system

With a title like that, one might think I'm someone who is constantly prey to a wide variety of illness. Nope. My good ol' phagocytes are strong, like bull. The one downside to having a strong immune system is, when something finally gets through, you know it's going to be freakin' nasty.

Case in point: J. is currently hopped up on the DayQuil.

However, not being one to relax much, I s'pose it's a good time to write. Let's start with the 'Update' file:

Busy. I spent the weekend in Chicago, to see John Serve (a tall man, indeed) and They Might Be Giants. The concert increased my desire for their new album, Spine. Meanwhile, John has no CD coming out, but he was quite the host. The Ruehl sisters and I were quite happy.

Busy, part II. Come Tuesday, I start a second low-paying retail job. The upside is that it's a record store. Huzzah! Feed my CD addiction!

Let's see... onto the 'Game' front:

Blog. I've changed the intention of my Miskatonic blog... again. After reading a number of Cthulhu RPG reviews, and joining the group at Yog-Sothoth.Com, I'm going to focus more on playtest reviews, info for my players, and random game thoughts. No, really. It'll happen.

Yog-Sothoth.Com. I was member #1,001. One day earlier, and I'd have a free Cthulhu plush. I blame Nyarlathotep.

Elsoptrophobia. The fear of mirrors (or seeing one's self in them). That's for Zarecki. It's what happens when you look into the mirror and see the King in Yellow behind you. (Much thanks to Toren Atkinson's blog for the term.)

Finally, if you've made it this far, I'm warning you. If you're in a theater, don't read the next 'graph out loud. Because it's the 'Theatre' update:

MacBeth. I've decided that a cast of 19 (same as we had for 'Midsummer') would be optimal. My AD, Kristin, suggested we have a read-through in August just to get the show's time down. Brilliant, I say.

STILL haven't heard back from the Graduate College. 'm a patient man, but classes start in a little more than a month...

That's the nutshell, in which I am the king of infinite space.


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