Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Don't wake me, I plan on sleeping in

Damn, is it almost the new year, already? Guess I overslept.

No, I didn't get a chance to sleep in. Not until Sunday, at least. Even then, sleeping in would imply that I consciously chose to not wake up. That's what happens when you ask for days off, and the boss-man says, "Can't you work even a little?"

You end up work crappy opening short-shifts when your family paid money to fly in to visit you. Grrrrrr.

Anyhow. The fam was there, my Steph was there, and the illimitable Tony was there. Much holiday cheer was spread. We held debates (a common pastime with the Bestul clan), ate fine meals, and visited the Carnegie Museum. Highlight: Steph (an Art major) looks at the gallery title ("Art Now"), looks around, and simply says... "That's really depressing."

A truer phrase was never uttered abut the state of modern art. Or is that Modern art? Even Postmodern has its uninspiring points.

Bah. Back to painting and killing pixelated enemies.


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