Saturday, October 18, 2003

The Triumphant Return?

Or, maybe not. Who knows? Who's keeping score? Besides the Red Sox/Cubs fans?

Nah, don't even get me started on that bloody mess. Nope.

So, let's make like Florida and do a recall:
-->The Talent Group said "sure, why not?" In theory, I now have representation. Nothing spectacular yet, but step one has been taken.
-->I spent the previous week w/ Steph, always a plus.
-->I've decided that I know way too much about WH40K, and need a job at Games Workshop.
-->I'm in a good mood, so I am going to gloss over anything dealing with the news. At least, I'll try.

The question comes to mind: what are the perks of working at Sam Goody? As tempting as it is to take a shot at an employer, allow me some serious time. Every once in a while, there are customers that have a mind that thinks independently. Engaging said customers in conversation, even a short one, is a perk that far outwieghs any sales numbers.

Example: Every so often, and intelligent Punk patronizes our store. Tonight was one such night. A short discussion ensued, and she provided a URL so that I could check out her musings as to what it means to be "Punk". I then re-read an essay from Bad Religion frontman, Greg Graffin, about the same.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is and example of what it means to be human: social discourse, leading to the people involved re-examining the terms that define who they are and what they believe. If only people would re-examine with an open mind (and on a regular basis), this world wouldn't represent Milton's Paradise Lost.
Sorry, no more literary references for tonight. I got a little worked up there. Oh, and if the first link doesn't bring her thoughts, blame it on the Internet. Why? Because the Internet can't fight back. (he he he)

Today's Thought: The words of Lt. Gen. William Boykin astound me. He states that a Muslim warlord worshipped an idol, and that Muslim enemies hate us for being rooted in Judeo-Christian tradition. After the initial uproar, he clarified: the "idol" was not Allah, but greed and corruption. But, we are still a nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles, he said.

And he's right. We are. However, Lt. Gen. Boykin makes the same mistake that the majority of America makes: ISLAM is based on Judeo-Christian religions. (((((gasp!))))) Yes, the prophet Muhammed said that this "Allah" that the people of Arabia were worshipping was the same as the God of the Bible! Guess what? Their god is our god! Oh, no! Does this mean our moral superiority is on shaky ground?!

Don't worry, our leaders will find a way to bring it all around. If our enemies hate anything about America, I'd wager it's the corporate culture, where companies can wield far more power than any faction or lawmaker. And what do companies value? $$$$$ ... (which one can easily translate to "greed and corruption"). Yes, let us all gather around the golden idol of Mooby the Cow.

(Sorry! That reference slipped.)

Anyway, to wrap up this verbose "Thought," Lt. Gen. Boykin's statements upset me because they were ignorant. Not just their content, but also the lack of thought dedicated to their effects. Say what you will about the military, but officers are not dumb people. Only the brightest earn the word "general" before their name. These statements undermine the integrity and distinction of that title.



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