Saturday, October 04, 2003

Same as it ever was.

You know, I just realized something. Looking over my old pseudo-blog, that title is how I described our war in Iraq... back in March! And that's how I'd still describe it. Since the "end of major conflict," here's the daily news in a nutshell: more American casualties, no Saddam, still no WMD/chemical/biological.

Proof-positive that mainstream media is liberal: they recycle the news, more than a staunch environmentalist does his/her plastic. (Watch... Scarborough County or the O'Reilly Factor will take that statement seriously, supporting their like-minded and overwrought claims by week's end.)

(Oh, wait, it is week's end. Bloody 'ell.)

Today's Thought: Should we invade a country, primarily because they are trying to develop WMD, they may be an imminent threat, and they're led by a despot?

[Drum-roll please!]

Then say hello to our new enemy: North Korea! With Kim il-Sung sending GWBush notes of how AND where the WMDs are, and their test attempts to hit California, these cats make Saddam's regime look like some minor threat (maybe that's 'cause he was)



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